
About andrix

Lover of Bolivia, excited to show the world the unknown and wonderful land of Bolivia.

The Eiffel Tower Boliviana 1

Alexandre Gustave Eiffel was a French civil engineer and architect. Graduated in the Central School of Arts and Manufactures of París, several bridges designed for the French railway network, but the largest and best known architectural success is the famous Eiffel Tower, built for the Universal Exhibition 1889. En Bolivia encontramos también obras arquitectónicas […]

The Renaissance Bolivian Baroque Music Festival: the best in the world of its kind

This important festival are unique, as it comes from the finding of more than 5.000 scores of sacred music written during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, This makes these six towns of Chiquitos become World Heritage. El festival de música de la chiquitania es el mejor y […]

Bolivia among the top 10 most biodiverse countries in the world

Biodiversity is the variety of plant and animal species in their environment. Bolivia is one of the eight richest countries in the world in biodiversity. Its territory includes 4 biomass, 32 ecological regions and 199 ecosystems, the highlights are the Yungas, Amazon, el Bosque Chiquitano, […]

The traditional festival of Alasitas!

Alasitas Aymara is a traditional festival that commemorates the God of Wealth Ekeko, begins each 24 January and lasts until mid-February. “Alasitas” significa Comprar para uno mismo. Tradition says that the day 24 de enero se debe comprar todo lo que uno sueña con […]

The cholitas fighters, a unique performance in the highest city in the world 2

More than 4.000 meters above sea level, the highest city in the world, “The High”, every Sunday afternoon show has a unique place, Wrestling cholitas, cholitas wrestling or also known as cholitas catchascanistas. Después de asistir a uno de estos encuentros nadie […]

Top 5 attractions that are worth one Potosí!

Potosí is a city with lots of history, during the colonial era enjoyed much popularity due to the incalculable riches of his famous “Cerro Rico“, legendary mountain, considered the world's largest silver mine. This city was the most prized possession of the Spanish crown. Las minas potosinas […]

Willy Kenning, the best aerial photographs of Bolivia 1

Cómo no hablar de Willy Kenning cuando se trata de mostrar al mundo todas las maravillas naturales de Bolivia a través de fotografías en numerosas publicaciones además de la reconocida revista National Geographic. This Bolivian adventurer 54 years has photographed the most fascinating corners of Bolivia from the sky, […]