
The Renaissance Bolivian Baroque Music Festival: the best in the world of its kind

This important festival are unique, as it comes from the finding of more than 5.000 scores of sacred music written during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, This makes these six towns of Chiquitos become World Heritage. El festival de música de la chiquitania es el mejor y […]

The traditional festival of Alasitas!

Alasitas Aymara is a traditional festival that commemorates the God of Wealth Ekeko, begins each 24 January and lasts until mid-February. “Alasitas” significa Comprar para uno mismo. Tradition says that the day 24 de enero se debe comprar todo lo que uno sueña con […]

In Bolivia today is New Year

THE new year Andino matches the winter solstice. The longest and coldest night of the year, while the most important day for the Andean culture. Today in Bolivia is no celebration! Hay varios lugares estratégicos donde se celebra este importante acontecimiento para la tradición boliviana. […]